Friday, August 15, 2008

Horseshoe Lake

A few days ago I went to Horseshoe Lake to "work on my skills." Apparently they need work? We walked all around the "castle", which is a really cool-looking playground for kids to climb all over and play on. There were kids everywhere. Some yelled "doggy, doggy", but I had to keep walking very nicely in the "heel" command. I saw squirrels, birds, chipmunks and other interesting creatures everywhere, but again, I had to stay in "command." I think I did pretty well. A few times I got very interested in certain smells in the grass, or noises around me, but I had to follow commands. Bummer.

Later we took a long, super fast walk around the actual lake. Who would have known there was a real lake at Horeshoe Lake? I enjoyed getting to sniff around the lake a little bit like a real dog when Mom took a break. It's very pretty and I had a really great time scaring all the geese! The fishermen didn't really appreciate that a whole lot! Hee hee! I was really tired when we were done. Serious power walking!

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